Valid Remarks, LLC

Valid Remarks is a newly growing company that writes song lyrics to pre - owned or instrumental music that is purchased or downloaded from outside sources. All song lyrics that are written by Shanell Roberts are owned and copy written under Valid Remarks, LLC. The company also provides promotional services for music artists who agree to record or perform any song lyrics written by Shanell Roberts.

Shanell Roberts


Shanell Roberts is a singer and a lyricist. She has been writing song lyrics for the last 10 years and continuing vocal training for the last 15 years. She is a native of Northern Virginia. Shanell founded Valid Remarks, LLC in pursuit of her lifelong passion for songwriting.

Shanell started songwriting as a child.  She enjoys developing songs that relate to the reality of subjective experience,

She enjoys working with new upcoming artists and producers on demos, albums, personal music-related projects, and performances.